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Online Options for Orthodox Education

Online Options for Orthodox Education

We hear from veteran homeschool moms often who tell us how lucky we are as homeschoolers today, with all of the available resources we have. They are right! As Orthodox educators, having options to help us bring up our children in the Faith can be such a game changer. We are blessed to have access to so many choices both in physical form and now with online options.  Here is a list of many of the online schools for you to research, in case this is something you are interested in for your family. Not all of these schools are specifically Orthodox—some are schools offering Classical Christian education courses.


Classical, online classes in the Orthodox tradition. St. Raphael is a division of Scholé Academy, a classical K-12 school. Their curriculum company is Classical Academic Press.
A non-traditional school offering online classes for students in grades K–12 in Orthodox and general subjects. Material is taken from diverse and wholesome sources. St. Athanasius also offers a college program with several degree options. 
Online courses for students in grades 1–12 in Orthodox, classical, and general subjects.They offer a full-diploma program for high school.
Educational resources which embody a traditional and normative approach to Christian paideia rooted in the Patristic tradition. Seminars in various topics are offered upon request by Dr. Mark Tarpley.
An organization offering Orthodox homeschooling resources, conferences, and podcast. They also host online get-togethers for different groups of Orthodox Christians throughout the month.
Classes and seminars for older students and adults.In addition to academic and spiritual opportunities for undergraduate students at Eastern University (including a minor in Orthodox Thought and Culture, on-campus Orthodox prayer services, and excellent lectures), some of the Center’s other main initiatives include a Summer Program for Young Orthodox Scholars.
For more than a decade the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies has offered a version of its Cambridge-based courses online, using the internet to make available some of the most distinguished teachers of Orthodox studies to students anywhere in the world.

The Antiochian House of Studies (AHOS)

For over 40 years, through its unique distance-learning framework, AHOS has offered programs of theological study for Orthodox Christians and others to increase their knowledge of the faith and to acquire practical skills in support of their work in the Church.

Free online lectures from Hillsdale College. Make discoveries such as the beauty of the Bible in “The Genesis Story,” the brilliance of Aristotle in “Introduction to Western Philosophy,” and the true meaning of America in “Constitution 101.”
Offers an online master's degree in the Great Books, studying fundamental texts of philosophy, literature, theology, psychology, history, economics, and science.

It seems like every year we also have more opportunities for Orthodox education at brick and mortar institutions. While that is not the focus of this post, we would be remiss not to mention some great opportunities if you are looking for in-person instruction, as well as more options that may be available to you locally: 

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