Celebrating the Feast of Ascension

Occurring forty days after the Resurrection of our Lord, the feast of the Ascension always falls on a Thursday (though the date itself changes). On this day we celebrate the return of Christ to heaven to assume His place at the right hand of the Father, and look forward to the descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. Read on for ways to observe this joyous feast with your family!
Resources & Activities
- The Ascension of Our Lord background from Greek Orthodox Archdiocese
- The Ascension of Our Lord background and hymnography from the OCA
- The Ascension Icon from A Reader's Guide to Orthodox Icons
- Ascension Tabletop Lesson from Antiochian Archdiocese
- The Ascension of Christ lesson from Orthodox ABC
- Ascension Worksheet Orthodox Journal Project page from Orthodox Christian Education
- Ascension Festal Learning Basket from Charming the Birds from the Trees
- Ascension Ideas & Activities from Many Mercies
- Printable Feast Card from Many Mercies
- A Family Celebration of the Ascension of Christ from Orthodox Christian Parenting
- On the Feast of the Ascension from Orthodox Christian Parenting
- One Thing You Must Not Do on Ascension from Charlotte Riggle
- Ascension Lesson from Dr. Pat
- “I AM” Series: Ascension Student/Teacher Lesson Plan from Orthodox Catechism Project
- “Homily on the Ascension of the Lord” by St. Philaret of Moscow from Patristic Nectar (audio)
- Homily, “On the Ascension” from OCN
- “Feasts of the Lord” Chapter 11—Ascension by Metropolitan Hierotheos (audiobook) from St. Anthony’s Monastery